From WakaTime to AWS: Part 1
This prototype is an ongoing personal project to become acquainted with AWS product offerings.
Currently, my site is surfacing API data from through a netlify wrapper lambda. I want to use AWS Lambda and other AWS tools to increase the flexibility and scope of the time and activities data. This means I need to dive deep and see what I come up with.
Lucid Chart Diagram of AWS Tools and Services that will form the backbone of this particular application.
This is still a very loosely-defined work in progress. As I become more familiar with the products, capabilities and best practices, I'm sure this map will change quite a bit. Additionally, part of the roadblock of learning anything new is also learning the proper workflow.
After several basic courses and a few more involved courses, I've set up my JetBrains IDE's with the aws2 CLI, the SAM CLI to speed development.
The first piece of the puzzle for me, is just getting a local Lambda to compile, contact wakatime's API and return the data which will most likely be deposited to an S3 bucket. (unless I find a better place to shuttle that data)
Updated chart, removing the S3 middleman. Lambda writes to DynamoDB directly after a successful API call.
Updated the chart to show that the data is being parsed and deposited to the DynamoDB table.
From here I will focus on ensuring the integrity of the data. I'll probably add a check to determine if the data has already been written. Next I'll begin thinking about preparing the API for front end consumption.